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Read Here Gear
MarcObsidianDate: Friday, 2012-03-16, 8:30 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 26
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Ok, here it is....

Problems of the past.

We always grow to a certain point then high level characters leave us for other guilds. It's my belief that we need to overcome this by beginning this re-build with that in mind. Prior rebuilds have focused on increasing guild membership and guild rank. I think we've missed a component and overlooked the high ranks needs/wants.

My Suggestions:

1. Reorganize guild leadership and put people there who are able to make an earnest commitment to the group as a whole. Folks who have time on their hands like MommaAnnaPriest, etc. We shouldn't be fooled. Part time leadership yields inadequate outcomes.
1A. Guild lead reorganization.

Rank 1: Figurehead

Rank 2: First Leader of gaming in guild(level 51+)
Rank 2: Treasurer/Accountant
Rank 2: Accountant/Treasurer
Rank 2: Second Leader of gaming in guild(level 1-50)
Rank 2: Warehouse Manager
Rank 2: Liason/EnforcerGame

Leaders will be responsible for organizing and leading raids, helping members to advance in rank/levels. I think by dividing the duties between two players we can organize the kinds of events and projects each set of players(new and old) want and can participate in.Treasurer will provide accounting of guild assets and buy gear/provide funds for things the leaders determine are advantagous for the guild overall. Accountant will provide accounting of income and provide names of folks who participate in guild events and provide the information to the Treasurer for payouts, etc. Warehouse Manager will organize warehouse and protect guild assets, and dispense items from warehouse in accordance with guild policies, etc. Also responsible for liquidating guild assets into gold as instructed by council.Liason/Enforcer will be responsible for public relations on server as well as making sure MajestiC members follow guild rules and keeping the peace within the guild itself including dispute resolution, counseling of members, and interpreting the guild rules and explaining them to our members.These six guild leaders will be charged with maintaining the guild and building it for the future.

Without being said these members must be active players and have a commitment to their duties within game.Let me be clear. These tasks are time consuming and must be compensated for with AP, gear, in-game resources. Their time is worth something. The guild leader must be able to step in and perform any of these functions should need arise. He's also responsible for supporting and training the 6 guild leaders beneath him.

Compensation:Income must exceed outgo for any compensation system to be solvent. Unexpected things happen and there must be a reserve for those days. Income needs to be generated through guild farming events which we need a commitment from the officers to attend. High levels who participate also want compensation for their time. I don't see any way of doing this other than a point system which some one will have to account for(i.e. Guild Accountant)As an example:Say we have 4 OI farms and 4 MM events and 4 CT runs in a month.That's 12 guild events with OI/MM producing all the assets. So I might off the top of my head suggest a point system like this:OI is 6 hours so 1 point per hour of OI: Max 24 points per monthCT is 3 hours so: Max 12 points per month fo CTMM is 2 hours: So max 8 points per month for MMI believe we should include GRB participation in to encourage attendance. SO possible 44 event points per month with 4 GRBsAlso, MM is variable income and we can't calculate what we could get from that precisely.My question would be are we able to say produce 50b gold per month with these events?Breaking it down that's 2b/hour in OI. If this number is attainable then I think it works with a payout of say a 30 day CRR or equivelant to each officer who achieves 44 points + 4 GRB attendances. A google spreadsheet would have to be put up and followed by accountant.

In addition I believe we could pay participants in same manner and should produce a net revenue to the guild which can then be used to buy/produce gear and uberize our officers and people with rank. This brings me to ranking system.I think we should give only 6 people rank in the ranks from 3-5 and ranks go up or down according to GRB attendance. A rank 3 who misses GRB gets moved to 4, a space become available and a rank 4 gets promoted to rank 3. Each rank should be promoted from the rank beneath it with the exception of rank 2/1 which would be stable despite attendance.

Also I think the point requirement for each rank to attain a reward from farms should be increased. For example: Rank 2s have get a reward at 44 points(see above), rank 3s have to attain 66 points(just a guess, not sure about math), rank 4s attain 88 points for same reward, rank 5s 110 points. rank 6-8 132 points. This should make ranking a desired thing within the guild. With ranking tied to the GRB we should see an increased commitment there. With the excess money from Guild Farms we could offer lower prizes for points to keep interest there. Say Exp stones, PIDs, and othr AP items which we could adjust based on net revenues from guild farms. Xtra guild farms could be done outside the scheduled farms as long as the items farmed were turned into the guild. All this tracked an updated on website by the accountant/treasurer. Accountant for income stats and the treasurer as the pay outs were made after the GRB on Saturday.

Why Guild Farms?In answer to this question I simply have to say that we want participation in events, we have to compensate high level players for their efforts towards the group, and make their time working for us equitable. Otherwise they simply work for themselves. I think many of our players get bored farming and such. They end up going where they can get more valuable drops in other guilds. A reward system might entice some to work together instead of soloing all the time and increase retention. Constant guild farming decreases overall satisfaction within the game. Offering lower cost prizes in a reward system works well as we see in carnival games, etc in real life. Goat and 2fine might have a plan within the raffle system too. However raffles don't appeal to people like me who prefer certain rewards for my efforts.

We might consider doing away with points and simply raffling off stuff for participation. I think mature people put less faith in this kind of rewards system. I think together we might come up with a sustainable rewards system.

Different STROKES

Players 1-50 are primarily concerned with levelling
Players 51+ are primarily concerned with gear and farming

That's why we need two trains of thought during this re-buildand two leaders who are interested in the two different aspects of the game. I made the break at 50/51 because 51s can be plvl'd on high level maps. This is simply for logistical reasons that the break come there and might be reconsidered as episode 6 changes the level limit. In game activities should follow the activities that the leaders would normally do for themselves. For example if the rank 2 is going to farm then take others in guild with them. If rank 2 is going to level then take others in guild with them. This has a cost with it that is hopefully compensated for with the reward system we institute.

Rank 3-5s: Should be the tools rank 2's use to get tasks accomplished.

If someone needs helped the task should be delegated to a lower ranking member unless they are free to do it themselves.

Rank 2s should become managers and less hands on than rank 3-5s

Rank 1 should be hands off unless forced into doing a job

Rank 6-8s should be working towards making themselves known, levelling, and gaining a 'reward' rank for themselves within the guild.

This is just raw idea but I think there's potential here.

Need your input,
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