Head Janitor
Good afternoon. I am Marc Obsidian. I wanted to include this new power levelling guide because I'll be returning to the game soon.
What is a power level?
Power levelling is a method for advancing quickly through the game. It requires either:
A. A high level tank to hold them while you kill them or
B. A high level killer to tank and kill them.
Since EP4 high level killers do a better job of power levelling since they have no need of additional players(43+ need a priest). A defender still requires a high level killer and a priest(at higher levels) to power level people.
Basically if the mobs are Red/Purple to you then you're being power levelled.
What do we kill?
Level 1-5 Kill random mobs between home city and Keo.
Level 6-10 Vagabond Bears or Selakiels outside of Keo.
Level 11-15(17) Cornwell Ruins
**12-22 Cornwell Ruins, if its not over crowded
-------15 levels in less than 3 hours(2 hours average)-----
Level 16-18 Golems, Hunters, Antelope near Haldeck Farm
Level 18-22 Sefeiron Lake south of Artkusvil
***12-22 Cornwell Ruins, if its not over crowded
Level 23-25 Pirates
Level 25-30 Fedion Dungeon or Looters/Killers
***Level 22-30 Fedion Dungeon
-----30 levels in less than 3 days-----
Level 31-33 Selakiels Map3
***Level 31-35 Darkwater 1(fastest with PvP)
Level 34-37 Mait or Cloron 1
Level 36-39 Cloron 1,2
Level 40-43 Cloron 3
***Level 42-45 Darkwater 2
-----43 levels in less than 10 days-----
Level 43-48 Pando (D2 begins about level 46)
-----48 levels in less than 14 days-----
Level 48-60 Dino/Desert/DD2
-----The last 12 levels are tough, good luck!!!-----
The times for levelling are variable depending on the number of hours of gameplay and whether you're using xp stones, etc.... I typically can take a person from 0-30 in less than a day.
Note to power levellers: These time frames are consistent for plvling parties of 7. Remember it's more efficient to level 7 at once then one at a time. 7 times 3000xp is still more than 2 times 8000xp. Do yourself a favor and take the 21k xp over the 16k xp. Looking at the overall good before the individual gain is important for building the guild.