Hey. I have some ideas for Guild WareHouse.
First one small thing, why do i find lots of crapy/fury gears in GWH? and why should Guild want them when you just dont ?
And one more thing, now there is 4-5 dread Falcion(cant remeber name) in GWH and no one wants them, why do we have 3-4 of same weapon that no one use ? Back to my idea with GWH:
Bag 1: Empty Bag, use for players to put stuff into GWH
Bag 2: Enchant items ( only 100 stacks)
Bag 3: Other items, AP items, Guild Money
Bag 4: Gears (low lvl gears with low lvl lapis
Bag 5: Goddes/Special/Legends Gears (lv 5,6, dual linked)
Bag 6: Duals, Lv 5, Lv 6, Flash, Sonic, Absorption, Elemental
Bag 1 (Empty Bag, use for players to put stuff into GWH)
In this bag should players only put stuff, IF it's full just wait to put something into GWH.
Bag 2 (Enchant items ( only 100 stacks)
Only 1 of each stack and when there are 1 stack with 100 in bag 2 then it should not be more of that enchant item.
Bag 3 (Other items, AP items, Guild Money)
Not soo hard to understand what its for.
Bag 4 (Gears (low lvl gears with low lvl lapis)[/]
Non PvP gears, heroric, dread gears with low lv lapis or with no linked
Bag 5 [i](Goddes/Special/Legends Gears (lv 5,6, dual linked))
This bag will be empty for almoste all the time. becuse we dont have ppl that gives leg and good lapis gears to guild.
Bag 6 (Duals, Lv 5, Lv 6, Flash, Sonic, Absorption, Elemental)
Lapis bag. good lapis that ppl want