HI , i'm so happy to be accepted in MajestiC and my main character is a lv 54 HM healer
[color=purple]mmm some thing about me? well... my name is Abimael I'm from Puerto Rico and i have play shaiya about 1.5 years
I'm trying to get a ubber character and kill darks .. (( PD u can call me Ab or Gen but pls dont call me Genjo or by my entire name is easest 2 or 3 letters than a entire name ^.^
something i hate in game are ksers and scammers ^.0 ..
and nothing i'm 15 years old
this is who i'm and i'm so proud of how i'm
((( btw guys let me be honest sometimes i cant enter t oGRB coz saturdays i take cristians class )_)) buut there will be days i can go but it isnt always ... sorry for that ))))
then with <3 from Genjo-Sanzo ------- (( and sorry for bad english my mani anguage is spanish xd